Monday, December 6, 2010

Emerging Technology

As technology becomes more prominent in the classroom, I believe the role of the teacher will change slightly. Growing up in elementary school, we used computers, televisions, movies, and cassette players, as well as text books, chalk boards, and worksheets. Still, the classrooms use basically the same technology, just adding a smartboard, laptop, iPad, and other technologies in some classrooms. However, as the emerging technologies become more popular for classrooms the teacher will not be teaching as much. I believe that the teacher will still be needed to make the lesson plans, make sure the children are paying attention and learning, and make sure the technology is working properly, but I do not believe the teacher will be standing in front of the classroom teaching the students as much. In the future, a day of teaching may include getting there early to make sure everything is set up and working, forming a list of daily tasks on his/her computer that will pop up onto the students computer, make sure all of the students are there (although by this time they may have sensors to see if each student is present), pushing play for daily announcements, watching the students to make sure they are on task, and answering any questions that may arise.

If this is how schools will really perform daily, every teacher should be concerned. School districts are already laying off several teachers. With technology growing, and students knowing how to use it, teachers will become less useful.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My Wish List Audio/Visual Technology

I just moved into a new classroom where no audio/visual technology had been ordered. What should I order?

My classroom is going to be a science classroom with a lab setup. With limited space it will be very difficult to have several audio and visual technologies that take up space. Therefore, I will have to keep my wish list very simple. 

1. PC computer with Internet hookup - Several things can be accomplished on a computer. Many teachers use powerpoint presentations during their lectures. I will use that from time to time because I know it is important to have a visual to correlate with the information being presented. When I do not use a powerpoint presentation, I will use other forms of visuals from the computer. Having an Internet connection will also help in the classroom. The Internet can be used for Internet audio/radio and Internet broadcasts. In addition to Internet broadcasts, sometimes I would like to show a movie related to a specific topic we are covering. A DVD can be played on a computer and projected through the smartboard.  

2. A smartboard - A smartboard is a very useful technology, when used properly. When using powerpoint, for a visual presentation I can move, edit, add and delete images on the screen. During a lesson about the anatomy of the human body, the smartboard will allow me to move the rib cage to see what organs lie beneath. Without the smartboard, it would take multiple images to show this same concept, and some students may not fully understand.

3. Live cams - When my students present information to the class, individually or in a group I can tape them using the live cam. It is small and will record straight to the computer. Using this as opposed to a video camera guarantees that it is in the correct format where it can be saved on the computer and viewed on our class website. It is also compact, which makes it easier to store.

I will need plenty of laboratory materials, so with the class budget and space allowed, this is all I will need in my science classroom.